Darras Hall Primary School Vision
Our Vision
We aim for Darras Hall to be a school where….
…the curriculum is relevant to the world in which children live. It engages, inspires and excites in order that all children succeed.
…the school ethos is one of positivity and mutual respect; promoting inclusion and celebrating difference.
Darras Hall Primary School Values
School Values
(We won’t compromise on these)
Learning should excite and inspire through a stimulating environment and an engaging curriculum. It should allow all children, regardless of background or ability, to succeed. Learning should promote independence and curiosity.
All children should feel safe, valued and happy. They should be encouraged to have self-belief and resilience. They should be listened to and respected.
Parents need to be valued and listened to. It is in the child’s best interest for their parents to be engaged in their child’s learning and wellbeing.
Staff should feel respected, valued and listened to. The wellbeing and professional growth of staff are both paramount to ensuring the best outcomes for children. There should be an ethos of mutual respect between all staff, children, parents and visitors.
The Darras Code
At Darras Hall we promote, encourage and reward behaviours and qualities that will benefit children, not only during their time in school but beyond, as life-long learners: