Pele Trust and Darras Hall Primary School aims to meet its equality obligations by having due regard to the need to:
1. Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
3. Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not
Eliminating discrimination
To ensure that the importance of equality is given a high level of importance we will take regular and appropriate opportunities to reinforce this including:
1. Policies and procedures
1.1. Where relevant, these will highlight the need to ensure equality and avoid any potential discrimination
2. Headteacher Reports (termly)
2.1. There will be a discrete section for feedback on how the school is meeting its equality objectives
3. Staff induction and training
3.1. All staff including Directors and Academy Committee members will receive training on equality and diversity during their induction programme
3.2. All staff including Directors and Academy Committee members will receive face-to-face training every 2 years
4. Meetings
4.1. Stakeholders will be mindful of their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 during meetings, seeking further advice and guidance where required
4.2. Where this has featured in discussions, particularly during AC meetings, a record will be made
Advancing equality of opportunity
As set out in the DfE guidance on the Equality Act, Pele Trust aims to advance equality of opportunity by: