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Darras Hall

Primary School

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New starters' information

At Darras Hall Primary School, we pride ourselves on offering a seamless transition, where children and their families feel safe and confident to move into the next stages of their child’s educational journey. Our staff work collaboratively to support parents and children using clear communication and carefully planned opportunities to get to know each child, their families and their specific needs.


Transitions are carefully planned for and time given to ensure continuity of learning. At any transition, we acknowledge the child’s needs and establish effective relationships to develop familiarity with the new setting and practitioners. 

In the final term in Nursery, Reception and KS1 staff meet to discuss each child's development against the Early Learning Goals in order to plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum that will meet the needs of all children.


Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)

Administration of Medication to Pupils Agreement between Parents and School

Nursery Welcome Video

Uploaded by James Watson on 2022-09-08.

Reception Welcome Video

Uploaded by James Watson on 2022-09-08.
