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Darras Hall Primary School is a fully inclusive school.  We ensure that all pupils reach their full potential personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally. This page will help parents and carers access information and easily understand the procedures involved in supporting Special Educational Needs.


Pele Trust, Attainment for All Children


Across Pele Trust we believe that every child has an entitlement to learn, regardless of need. We aim to maximise potential, offering inclusion and equality at all stages of school life. At present we work within the remit of The Special Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and aim to liaise closely together as schools, and with parents, to offer a personalised curriculum and success for all.  We believe that the most successful way to maximise potential of all children is through the successful partnership of staff, parents, children and support agencies.


SENDCOs across the Trust work very effectively together meeting regularly to share good practice, plan and to discuss current research. We rigorously assess and monitor the development of all children from their individual starting points to ensure they are making appropriate and expected progress.


As a parent you have a vital role in supporting your child’s school life; home and school working together has been proved to be crucial to success. 


The links below will take you to a number of reports that outline the support for SEND offered at Darras Hall Primary School. For more information contact:


Darras Hall Primary School SENDCO: Mrs T Pritchard


Please contact Mrs T Pritchard, SENDCo, if you have any queries about the support provided by school for children with special educational needs.  


Complaints from parents of children with special educational needs will be handled under the school's complaints procedures which can be found on the policies page.


Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

SEND Information Report

Northumberland Ordinarily Available Provision

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
