At Darras Hall Primary School, we intend to provide a curriculum that allows all children to become confident, successful and resilient mathematicians who are well equipped to apply their learning to the wider world.
Our approach aims to provide all children with opportunities to explore, reason and investigate in order that they develop a strong conceptual understanding of number, which can be applied to more sophisticated problem solving. Our curriculum is designed to meet the aims of the National Curriculum by ensuring that all children develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills by using a wide range of resources that meet the needs of individual pupils and offer challenge for all.
Our mastery approach to mathematical development is consistent in approach and ensures that children build upon core knowledge and skills effectively and in logical sequence. Mathematical discussion is a key element of lessons throughout school and pupils are encouraged to use accurate mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings.
Pupils demonstrate their understanding through concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of number. Our carefully sequenced curriculum is designed to ensure that children become fluent in calculation methods in order that they can apply their learning to varied fluency and reasoning activities. Learning is linked to real life problems that resonate with pupils and allow them to see how maths applies to their everyday lives.
We utilise the White Rose Maths scheme as a planning tool, which provides a structured spine of learning throughout school, but teaching is carefully adapted and supplemented with additional resources, according to the individual needs of pupils. Our bespoke learning offer is regularly reviewed through the analysis of pupil performance data, ongoing teacher assessment and pupil voice activities to ensure that our curriculum provides challenge and support for all of our pupils.
If you have any questions about our maths curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our maths curriculum team for further discussion:
Mrs. Reynard (Lower Key Stage 2 leader- Year 4)
Mrs Baynes (Nursery)
Ms. Gowing (Reception)
Miss Brown (Year 6)