At Darras Hall Primary School, we equip children with the skills to use technology in a positive way to express themselves and enhance their learning. Our broad curriculum offers a wealth of opportunities for children to become digital creators as they become fluent with using a range devices and tools. In order to fully understand technology, children need to explore and understand how computer systems are formed. Our curriculum encourages a hand-on approach to discovering the benefits of technology and teaches children how to de-bug when they come across challenges.
Our computing curriculum is underpinned by 3 core areas of learning:
Computer Science
Through the teaching of computer science, children learn how to become confident programmers by developing an understanding of abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation. They analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems, using new and unfamiliar technologies.
Information Technology
Our aim is for children to master the skills of creation with technology to showcase their learning and express themselves. Children are taught to work collaboratively through Google suite technology whilst developing the skills to research safely and independently.
They use a variety of programs and tools to create digital photography, music and video to achieve a specific effect and learn to target an appropriate audience. Such skills are embedded across our broad and balanced curriculum to inspire creativity and to help make learning accessible to all pupils.
Digital Literacy
We believe that education is vital in preparing children to live and work in an increasingly digital world. It is our aim that all children should learn how to communicate safely and responsibly online. Children are encouraged to recognise the infinite benefits of effective technology use, whilst also understanding the risks and how to tackle issues that they may face.
Computing progression is structured in such as way that the core values of online safety are interwoven throughout the curriculum in addition to discrete lessons being regular taught in each year group. Our Digital Leaders are a pupil body who help to support other children in their understanding of the online world and how they can keep safe.