Darras Hall Primary school embraces music as a highly valued part of a broad curriculum and a subject which can enhance the development of the whole child. It is our aim that every child at Darras Hall Primary School engages in quality music education from their entry until the end of KS2 in Year 6.
In the Early Years department, singing and musical games are incorporated into daily routines and are used to enhance the teaching of the core curriculum as well the development of control, concentration, social skills and sense of belonging, which gives a solid foundation to the musical skills which will continue to be developed during Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, pupils participate in weekly singing assemblies as well as curriculum music lessons. Lessons are delivered by class teachers, our school Director of Music and a music specialist teacher. Our school subject leaders monitor the delivery of lessons and progression throughout the school.
A ‘Progression of Expected Skills ’ document (below), in line with the New Model Curriculum for Music, is followed throughout Key Stages 1 and 2. In this document, musical skills have been split into progression strands titled: Performing, Composing, Notation, Listening and Appraising. Clear end of year expectations are set out in the document. Planned Music Topics which link to the progression document, ensures that there is progression of musical skills in each stand and throughout each year group.
Becoming a musician
In Key Stage 2, all children learn to play the recorder for at least a term.
In addition to music lessons which are planned in line with the expectations and standards of the National Curriculum, we offer a range of extra-curricular music clubs. Although these vary according to demand and needs, we currently have a School Choir and an Instrumental Ensemble.
Provision for learning Violin, Guitar, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Flute, Clarinet, Guitar and Keyboard is also provided, for Key Stage 2 pupils, by our local music Hub, Northumberland Music service, as well as some private music teachers. Parents are required to pay for these lessons, but our school provides financial support for FSM pupils.
Rocksteady offers pupils the opportunity to participate in rock and pop music lessons. As well as teaching new musical skills through contemporary rock and pop songs, Rocksteady has a proven significant, positive impact on wellbeing, confidence and life skills. Recently they were awarded ‘Schools Wellbeing Resource of the Year’ at the Education Today awards, for their work inspiring children through music. Lessons are open for children from Reception to Year 6 and they can choose to play either vocals, electric guitar, drums, bass, or keyboards in their very own band. All instruments are provided, and no previous experience is necessary.
Parents can sign their child up for lessons online at .