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Darras Hall

Primary School

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Design Technology


In design and technology, we encourage children to use their imagination and creativity to design and make products that can solve real life problems by considering the needs of those who will use them. We aim to link learning between subjects, such as maths, science, computing and art and utilise skills from across these areas. The children are encouraged to become inventors, innovators and risk-takers as they build up their confidence with using a variety of tools and materials that are fit for purpose. We aim for children to become critical thinkers who can communicate their ideas clearly and evaluate the effectiveness of designs using appropriate technical vocabulary.



Our curriculum is based around progressive development of the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to create a given product. Our teaching of design and technology is based on three key components:



Pupils design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria that are fit for purpose and aimed at particular groups or individuals. Children work collaboratively to strengthen their design proposals and use technical vocabulary to communicate their ideas.



Pupils can confidently select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks. They use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics and functional properties.



Pupils explore, evaluate, investigate and analyse a range of existing products. They evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work.



Early Years Foundation Stage


In the Early Years, pupils experiment to create different textures and manipulate materials to achieve a planned effect. They construct with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources and simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately. Children use and explore a variety of materials, tools and fixing techniques with adult support and also during self-initiated play. Children have the opportunity to experiment with design using “found materials” such as cardboard, construction sets or objects found in the outdoor classroom.


Key Stage 1


During Key Stage 1, pupils learn how to think imaginatively and talk about what they like and dislike when designing and making. They build on their early childhood experiences of investigating objects around them. They explore how familiar things work and talk about, draw and model their ideas. They learn how to design and construct objects safely and may use ICT as part of this process.   They learn how to follow basic recipes and use simple cooking equipment to cook and bake, whilst learning about healthy choices.


Key Stage 2


During Key Stage 2, pupils work on their own and as part of a team at a range of designing and making activities. They think about what products are used for and the needs of the people who use them. They plan what has to be done and identify what works well and what could be improved in their own and other people’s designs. They draw on knowledge and understanding from other areas of the curriculum and use computers, software and hardware in a range of ways in order to develop their ideas.  They build on the cooking skills in order to prepare and follow recipes independently using cooking tools and equipment. Pupils build structures, explore how they can be made stronger and apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures. They understand and use electrical systems in the products (for example series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors)


