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COVID-19 Response

Information on what parents should do, and what school will do, if COVID-19 is suspected


Information on COVID-19 symptoms and school procedures


To help protect your children and the wider community, please be as honest as possible with school around symptoms, testing and results. You shouldn’t be embarrassed or concerned about reporting a suspected or confirmed case.


We want to provide as much information as possible on our approach to coronavirus symptoms, testing and isolation periods. Please see the answers to key questions below.


1. What do I do if my child displays symptoms?


In line with government guidance, if your child develops symptoms of coronavirus, they will need to stay at home and self-isolate until they can be tested. If your child develops symptoms in school, you will be contacted immediately to collect them.  If your child develops symptoms at home, please keep them at home and call the school to let us know.


Remote Learning will be provided for pupils who are well enough to work, and not able to attend school. Your class teacher will be able to discuss how the school can support you with this. 


2. Will the school tell me if another child in the class or school is displaying symptoms?


No - The symptoms of coronavirus are like many other common conditions. To avoid unnecessary concern, we will only let parents know if there is a confirmed case within the school. Any child showing symptoms will be sent home immediately and cannot return to school until they have had a test, or they have self-isolated in line with current government guidance. 


3. Does my child need to take a test in order to come back to school?


Any child displaying symptoms should be tested for the virus.  If it is not possible to get a test, pupils need to remain off school, self-isolating, for the time required in the latest government guidance.  The school office can provide support and information on this.


4. What do I do if my child tests positive?


Please call to let us know as soon as possible. You, your child and your wider household will then need to self-isolate for the time required in the latest government guidance.  Your child will not be able to return to school until their symptoms have gone and you will need the contact the school office to discuss this, before they can return.


Remote Learning will be provided for pupils who are well enough to work, and not able to attend school. The school office will be able to discuss how the school can support you with this. 


5. What do I do if my child tests negative?


Please contact the school office. Your child should be able to return to school the next day.


6. What if someone in my household  is isolating because they have tested positive with the virus?  Is my child expected to stay at home too?


No, currently Primary School Pupils should attend school.  Your class teacher can discuss this with you, and the remote learning that your child can access.  The latest Government Guidance on self-isolation can be found below.


7. What if someone in my household is isolating because they are aware they may have been exposed to the virus?  Is my child expected to stay at home too?


No, in line with the Public Health England advice, your child will only need to stay at home if a member of your household develops symptoms. The latest Government Guidance on self-isolation can be found below.


8. What will happen if my child's teacher or TA is off sick?


  • We will try to cover with other school staff by using teachers, HLTAs or TAs.
  • If we are unable to provide cover with school staff we will seek to arrange a temporary supply teacher.
  • We will not split a class up and mix them with other classes.


This information is based on Government Guidance at the time of issue and is subject to regular review.
